6 strength training benefits everyone should know about

Improved fitness and weight loss aren’t the only benefits strength training has to offer. David Wiener, Training Specialist at Freeletics reveals 6 other benefits everyone should know about

By now, most people are aware that incorporating strength training into your workout routine is probably a good idea.

We know that weight training is a great way to manage your weight and gain lean muscle, which increases your metabolic rate or simply put the number of calories your body burns at rest.

strength training offers a myriad of benefits in addition to this

But, strength training offers a myriad of benefits in addition to this. From making you stronger to improving your posture and even boosting your mood.

Healthista spoke to, Training Specialist at AI-based fitness and lifestyle coaching app Freeletics David Wiener, who reveals 6 benefits of strength training everyone should know about…

#1 Strength training can help to improve your mood

There is evidence to show that exercising makes the brain feel happy.

Movement triggers the release of feel-good hormones such as dopamine and serotonin which can lift your mood, intensify your drive, and make you feel more positive in general.

This, in turn, may mean you’re more likely to try new things, lift heavier weights, or push yourself a little bit harder.

In addition, research has shown that smiling during your workout can, whether you’re happy or not, push you to do better and lift heavier.

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#2 Strength training can correct poor posture

The right resistance training programme has the capacity to help you improve your posture and correct muscular imbalances.

Bad posture is often the result of some muscles being too tight while the opposite muscle is too weak, which can lead to slouching and aches and pains.

By strengthening the right (weak) muscle and stretching the too tight muscle, you can reduce the risk of injury and stand taller.

Good posture also helps your internal organs to align well

Research also shows that poor posture negatively affects your ability to breathe deeply and fill your lungs. Slouching shortens the muscles at the front of your body and reduces your ability to breathe in fully.

Standing up tall may improve your ability to bring in oxygen by as much as 30 per cent. Good posture also helps your internal organs to align well, which results in less compression on your stomach, intestines, and liver, facilitating the free flow of food and digestive juices.

A slouched posture inhibits the normal activity of your gastrointestinal system, which makes you vulnerable to digestive complaints such as conspiration and acid reflux (heartburn).

#3 Strength training can increase mobility and flexibility

Strength training, flexibility, and mobility are inextricably linked, with both flexibility and mobility helping you to maintain proper exercise techniques which can help you to reach your full range of motion and properly target muscle groups to build strength.

With stronger muscles, you can then perform more complex movements and build even more strength and explosiveness.

For maximum gains when it comes to flexibility and mobility, strength training should be paired with a dynamic warm up to prepare muscles pre-workout and a static stretching cool down to lengthen muscles post-workout.

Warming up and cooling down properly can also help to prevent injury.

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6 strength training benefits everyone should know about woman lifting weights at gym

#4 Strength training can push you out of your comfort zone

While strength training can be done through bodyweight-only exercises, if you are interested in going the extra mile and pushing yourself further, lifting weights can also be a great option.

Beginners should pick up weights that can be maintained for the whole duration of their workout and work up to heavier weights as they get stronger and fitter.

know your physical limits and listen to your body

If you’re keen to push yourself out of your comfort zone and progress, it’s important to know your physical limits and listen to your body to reduce the risk of injury which can hamper your long-term progress.

#5 Strength training will help you to focus on form

Form is incredibly important, especially if you are lifting weights. Proper form will ensure that you avoid injury and get the most from each exercise, so definitely pay attention to your technique when training.

If you’re unsure or trying a new move, watch video tutorials of the exercises before you attempt them. You could also try filming yourself or trialing the exercise in front of a mirror to make sure your form is correct throughout.

Finally, if something doesn’t feel right, or you feel pain in muscle groups you’re not working, stop.

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6 strength training benefits everyone should know about woman lifting weights at gym dumbbells

#6 Strength training means you have to prioritise rest and recovery

When lifting weights, be sure to give yourself plenty of time for rest and recovery. The process for muscle building includes progressive overload, muscle damage, repair, and new growth.

In order to ensure that this cycle occurs, it is advisable to take rest days in between intense training sessions. This provides a ‘window’ in which the body can replenish itself and build even stronger muscles.

advisable to take rest days in between intense training sessions

We all know the uncomfortable feeling of those oh-so-annoying DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

When we work out, we make tiny tears in our muscles, these muscles then reset, develop, grow and strengthen but we have to allow recovery time for that process to happen.

To lessen the likeliness of DOMS, its important to stretch out the muscles that have been used and be sure to prioritise rest and recovery in order to avoid injury.


For a strength training programme which really gets results, try Freeletics, Europe’s number 1 fitness app, which creates hyper-personalised fitness plans to help you reach your goals.

From weightlifting, running, and bodyweight-only training plans, Freeletics takes the stress out of planning and maintaining a training regime and scheduling rest days.

Not only this, but the app also has tutorial videos of each exercise to make sure your technique is on point.

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